About Teófilo de Jesús

Teófilo de Jesús is a penname and maybe even the name of my real self. My name in the world is unimportant. I blogged at Vivificat! for 11 years. I’m a cradle Catholic, though there was a time I left the Church, but then returned. My Catholic Christian faith defines me. My wife is the love of my life. My priorities are God, Family, Country, in that order. I’m a Leader; I’m also a Follower. I’m a retired naval officer, but started my military life as an Air Force enlisted man.

When it comes to America, I believe in “America right or wrong: when right, keep her right, when wrong, make her right.” I’m a former genius for age is having its impact. Proud GenX'er. Unfashionable contrarian. Dyslexic prophet (I predict the past and then I say "I told you so"). Voracious reader. At times insensitive to the point of tactlessness. Aspiring mystic. INTJ. Father of two, grandfather to four five. Slave to two basset hounds and one corgi.

From left to right: Penny, Leia, and Lily Lu.

Southern writer (from southern Puerto Rico, that is). Musical soul. I've mastered English but speak Spanish whenever I want to. Premature cantankerous curmudgeon approaching maturity on this trait. Flannery O'Connor and Michael O’Brien fan. Exposer of #FirstWorldProblems. I suffer fools patiently, but not gladly. If you insist on writing God with a small-case “g” please don’t talk to me; save us both a time-wasting conversation. Vade retro, troglodytae! I remain a work in progress for God’s awesome grace.

What’s this about

I want to tell you about my life, what I did right and what I could’ve done better. I want to start a conversation between my brain and my pen and paper - or word processor, and I want to make you privy of that conversation. I want to challenge you, tell you something you did not know, or maybe even change your mind. I want to see if you can do the same to me. Caveat emptor: at times I’ll infuriate you. Thank you for giving me the chance to talk to you.

Subscribe to Core Memories

This is a pre-draft memoir of my life from birth to September 11, 2001, and how the Lord, my Catholic faith, my beloved wife, family, and friends, have shaped my life throughout.


Retired Military Officer | AF Combat Vet | Early cohort GenX’er | #PRican | #Catholic | #KofC | #ProLife | Grandpa x5 | I don’t feed trolls | Opinions my own